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Suprachoroidal Haemorrhage Part 1

Freda Sii

Suprachoroidal Haemorrhage Part 1

Suprachoroidal haemorrhage (SCH) is one of the most feared complications of Ophthalmic surgery.    This lecture discusses the pathophysiology of SCH and the risk factors of its occurrence.  This is followed by a case discussion and an account from the surgeons perspective of the experience mentally and coping strategies should this experience ever arise.  We sincerely hope you never have to encounter SCH first hand, but if you do this video may help along the way.

Freda Sii

Birmingham, UK

Freda Sii is the Senior Glaucoma Fellow at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and is part of the Supra-regional Complex Glaucoma Team. She is also part of the 'ReGAE' (Research into Glaucoma And Ethnicity) team led by Professor Peter Shah. The 'ReGAE' project is a multi-phase, multi-disciplinary and ethnically-sensitive project which aims to prevent avoidable glaucoma blindness in the diverse ethnic populations in Birmingham and the UK. She has worked as part of the charity “Sight for East Africa” in Tanzania to assess ways of helping to develop glaucoma resources.

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