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Ocular Anaesthesia

Chris Bradshaw

Ocular Anaesthesia

Ocular anaesthesia can be a daunting procedure prior to eye surgery.  The eye needs to painless, not moving and the vision obscured to undertake this delicate surgery safely with optimal outcomes.  Your anaesthetist and eye surgeon will make the process as comfortable as possible.  This video documents from the time you meet the anaesthetist just prior to surgery, to the pre-medication interview when any concerns can be discussed and through to the anaesthetic block before being wheeled into theatre.  The aim is to make the journey a bit more familiar and relieve some of the" fear of the unknown".

Chris Bradshaw

Brisbane, Australia

Dr Chris Bradshaw is a Specialist Anaesthetist who has a very successful Anaesthetic Practice in Queensland. Chris studied Medicine at the University of Queensland, winning, by academic merit, the Wynne scholarship . Dr Bradshaw then spent two years at the Royal Brisbane Women’s and Children’s Hospitals as a general Hospital Doctor. Chris was then offered a highly sought after position at the Princess Alexandra, Mater and Greenslopes Hospitals as an Anaesthetist in training.

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